updates + news
Once a week, a NEW Deep Lakes podcast will be released over the next 8 weeks.
So much of this journey is this prophetic community, so please take time to comment with your thoughts or discoveries after each post and jump onto MarcoPolo for a quick check in with the activation we have given you.
Our July in-person and zoom prayer gathering of 2022 will be on Thursday, July 21st at 6:30PM to 9PM. Please go to the Prayer Gathering page below and RSVP to help us know who will be joining us on Wednesday evening.
After you have RSVP’d you will receive the address for the location where we will be meeting in person and the Zoom link for those who will be joining us online.
We can’t wait to see you there!
We absolutely love worship and soaking, so we have started to compile a list of worship songs that the Lord has been speaking to us through for you to listen/soak to during your quiet time.
Here is the playlist on YouTube:
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