Beloved Mentors and Mentees,
We are so grateful for you!
Thank you for being willing to be the guinea pigs for this crazy idea of ours: prophetic mentoring in a digital space in order to create a vibrant prophetic community. Each of you has been a tremendous blessing, either in your willingness to step out in risk to share your prophetic experience with another woman, or to take a posture of teachability in receiving mentorship. We can already see the fruit which has come from friendships formed and wisdom shared! As a result, we count this experiment as a success.
With our apologies for being so tardy, we wanted to retrospectively define the parameters for the mentoring relationships. Our goasl for the partnerships were:
- To provide a six week period of intentional prophetic mentoring in the time between Foundation Streams (Level One) and Running Rivers (Level Two)
- To provide weekly activations to use as springboards for the mentoring process
- To utilize the relationships built during this time to accomplish several key goals:
- To recognize emerging prophets
- To strengthen prophetic voices through wise counsel
- To provide a space for processing failures and celebrating victories
- To create relational community, the foundation of a prophetic company
Because we are just now getting around to articulating our goals, we realize it may be difficult to evaluate your experience within those parameters. But we would be so grateful if you would take a minute and give us your feedback on the form below on the effectiveness of your mentoring relationship.
And of course, we welcome ANY thoughts you might have on your journey thus far with TPC. Thank you again for being incredible, prophetic risk-takers!
With loads of love,
Tiffany, Candi, Amy and Catherine