Welcome to your Running Rivers Course

Below you will find all of the links you need to jump right into your Running Rivers Course. This will be your HOME Landing Page for the next 8-weeks as you dive deeper with us.

We truly are so excited and expectant to see you grow in intimacy with the Father and hearing His voice.

Thank you again for choosing to run with us!


The Prophetic Collective

updates + news


We start on Monday, May 9th!


SAVE THE DATE for Thursday, July 21st!!

Please make sure to RSVP to attend in-person or via zoom with the link below.

We absolutely love worship and soaking, so we have started to compile a list of worship songs that the Lord has been speaking to us through for you to listen/soak to during your quiet time.

Here is the playlist on YouTube:

Running Rivers Course

Upcoming Prayer Gatherings